What is Somatic Movement

What is Somatic Movement

Feel Well Be Well

When I ask people what their goals are regarding physical fitness and wellbeing, there is ultimately only one answer given in various guises: "To be comfortable and efficient"

As an anatomy and movement nerd I have studied and practiced and I teach many tools and methodologies to help guide a practice that will bring relief from pain and will increase physical ability. The one tool that I ALWAYS incorporate into the advice I give is Somatic Movement.
But what specific benefits can you expect from Somatic Movement? 

  • Build greater awareness of your body and it's capabilities and limitations

  • Release tension from painful muscles and joints

  • Learn how to prevent painful and lasting tension 

  • Practice mindfulness - find calmness and compassion in the body and mind

photo credit Isabelle Watton

photo credit Isabelle Watton

One to one sessions are the best way to work into your own specific issues and goals. But you can also come to regular classes or deeper immersions such as workshops or a retreat

Click here for more information about Somatic Movement options and if you'd like to book in a personalised one to one session then contact me directly. 

Home Practice - keep moving to keep well

Home Practice - keep moving to keep well

Dancers' Pose

Dancers' Pose