Surya Namaskar B
Surya Namaskar B
Bring warmth into your body and into your life by making this simple routine a daily practice.
Surya (Sun) Namaskar or Namaskara (devotional greeting) is a sequence of Asana, strung together with the breath like beads on a thread. As a devotion to the Sun this sequence is great to warm the body and focus the mind.
First take a look at the pictures below and allow your breath to move as you scan from one to the next according to the instruction for that pose. Go through it a few times in this way - just looking at the positions and setting the rhythm of your breath.
- Find 10 minutes when you will not be disturbed: either add this to your regular morning routine or choose to start a new regular morning routine practice for this
- Remove distractions, clear space
- Set an intention for your practice: to do this you may think of a quality you would like more of in your life, for example: peace, courage, fluidity, connection; then repeat your intention several times in your head, or aloud: "I am courageous!"
- Allow your intention to continue to resonate whilst you practice and watch how the intention can affect how you move and how your practice can affect your intention
- You will step the Left foot back first and then forward; on the next round you will step the Right foot back and then forward; and so on
- Aim for 12 repetitions (totalling 6 on each side)
- Start gently and begin to move more deeply into postures as you do more repetitions
- Keep the breath rhythm constant throughout
- You can step back and forward into Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1) to work deeper or stronger
- You can substitute Plank to Bhujangasana (Cobra) for Chaturanga Dandasana to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
Let me know how you get on or if you have any of your own tips in the comments below.