Sun Salutation - A Daily Practice

Sun Salutation - A Daily Practice

Here's an aide memoire for your daily morning Salutes to the Sun. 

Surya Namaskar (Surya = Sun, Namaskar = devotional greeting) is a combination of positions that flow together to make a revitalising and energising sequence that will give you the opportunity to mobilise the whole body, move with your breath and check in with what status quo is like right now. 

There are variations of Surya Namaskar A and B. This is my version of Surya Namaskar A. If you have any queries about any of the parts then please let me know in the comments below. If you've done my class then you will be very aware of the important cues in each stage. 

I would suggest that you do 5 or 12 or if you're feeling really ready to honour the Sun God and find a deep meditative flow, 108. 

Breath into the abdomen and breath through the nose with a slow and even rhythm the whole time if you can. 

Consider setting a single intention before you begin. For example:

  • to concentrate more on the breath than the intricacies of the positions

  • to work with full power and strength

  • to honour or send love to some one

  • to find the space between the limbs through out the flow

  • to feel the heart space open and soften throughout


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