Alternate Nostril Breath

Alternate Nostril Breath

Alternate Nostril Breath
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Alternate Nostril Breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana, is a great practice for finding balance in your body and mind. Do this sitting, if you can, with your back more or less straight upright, eyes closed and rest your elbows on something the first few times while you get used to it or if your arms feel tired. You may find one nostril is more comfortable than the other to breathe through - do not try to force them to be even, rather find yourself gently encouraging them toward being even and perhaps over time they will become so after doing this practice every day. Read through the instructions below a few times and then give it a go. You might want to blow your nose before you start. Get in touch if you have any queries.

  • Sit with your back somewhere near tall and straight.

  • Use your right hand: your first two fingers extend out or tuck in whilst you use your thumb and ring finger to very gently alternate blocking one nostril.

  • Aim to breath with a slow even breath and be sure not to strain the breath at all.

  • Take a breath in then block your right nostril to exhale through the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril and then switch the block to exhale through your right nostril. Inhale through the right nostril and then switch the block to exhale through your left nostril.

  • That is one round.

  • Aim to do around 10 rounds every day to start.

  • Finish exhaling through your left nostril.

  • Increase how long you do this as you get more comfortable and used to it.

Helping People in Pain - New Clinic in Ledbury, Herefordshire

Helping People in Pain - New Clinic in Ledbury, Herefordshire

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