What’s the point of fancy Yoga?

What’s the point of fancy Yoga?

What’s the point of fancy Yoga?

Photo 17-11-2020, 21 04 37.jpg

Why? If yoga is about being calm then where do one-handed arm balances and unnatural headstands fit in and why are they a part of a yoga practice? 🤔

There are lots of answers to this question and the point I’m highlighting in classes this week is this: In a yoga practice we aim to acquire and inspire a mindful approach to the manipulation of our physical and energetic form, and by challenging our physical form, whilst remaining mindful, we are practicing a key life skill.

Can you remain centred when your body is pushed off centre?

Can you remain centred when life events push you off centre?

This isn’t about not reacting to challenges, quite the opposite: it’s about being mindful of when you’re being pushed, how you feel, what you need, what you want, and how can you uphold your integrity…?

You don’t have to be in a one-handed arm balance to get this benefit or to practice this skill in yoga. But you do have to be willing to meet yourself on the mat and notice where YOUR challenge is. 

Alternate Nostril Breath

Alternate Nostril Breath

Aroma Yoga: on and off the mat

Aroma Yoga: on and off the mat