Natural Solutions for Hay Fever

Natural Solutions for Hay Fever

Natural Solutions for Hay Fever

So many people flair up at this time of year with uncomfortable and debilitating reactions to pollen from flowers, grasses, and trees. Taking allopathic medication can be the only solution for many to get relief but there are also many natural options that can help ease symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. This information is not meant as medical advice and you should consult with a medical professional if you have a health condition or concerns about your health. This article is meant as a reminder about the possible natural solutions which may ease hay fever, and things that have come up for my clients as a natural health practitioner, which may be of help for you.



- Avoid drying clothes outside where they can collect pollen dust.

- Get enough sleep. Being tired has strong negative effects on your body’s ability to cope with problems, including allergic reactions.

- Drink water. Studies show that being dehydrated can have a big impact on how severe the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis present.



Avoiding high-histamine foods can help reduce the histamine reaction in your body when it is triggered by allergic reaction. These lists are generalised - some people may have sensitivities to various food types or have specific dietary requirements that counter this information. High histamine foods to be avoided in high quantities include fermented foods, aged cheese, kidney beans, citrus fruits, fish, shellfish, avocados, tomatoes, spinach, cocoa, leftover meat or fish, fermented alcohol like wine, champagne, and beer. Foods that can help with an anti-inflammatory support include berries, garlic, ginger, turmeric, onion, omega 3 rich foods such as oily fish, walnuts, and flax seeds.


Vitamins and Minerals:

Having a full healthy balanced diet that consists of a full array of nutritional content is vital for good health. Here’s just a few key supplemental vitamins and minerals that are helpful for tackling allergic rhinitis.

Vitamin C is well documented to support the immune system. Getting a regular intake of vitamin C is vital as it doesn’t hang around in the body – you get rid of what you don’t immediately use – so multiple daily intake is important for a consistent level of vitamin C to be bio available.

Vitamin D has important functions in the immune system and lower vitamin D levels are associated with higher chance of allergic response.

Magnesium is another nutrient to be considered as vitamin D cannot be metabolised without it. Magnesium consumption from natural foods has decreased in the past few decades, owing to industrialised agriculture and changes in dietary habits. High consumption of coffee, fizzy drinks, salt, alcohol, stress, fatigue, anxiety, and vigorous exercise can all lower your magnesium levels.

Spirulina is a nutrient-rich, blue-green algae that has been associated with a wide range of interesting health benefits. Studies have revealed antihistamine effects of spirulina, founding that regular consumption significantly reduces allergic rhinitis symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching.

Zinc inhibits the release of histamine and so is another very useful mineral in the control of allergy response.

Some other very useful anti-inflammatory supplements that can support you during hay fever season include bromelain, hesperidin, and quercetin.


Herbs and Homeopathy:

Homeopathic remedies or natural nasal sprays such as luffa nasal sprays, may be enough to prevent allergic reactions from arising – try starting these as soon as symptoms arise.

There are also many herbs that may help reduce symptoms including black cohosh, nettle, mullein, fenugreek, goldenrod, thyme, sea buckthorn, yarrow. Do consult a specialist for more information about the proper dosage and to check for any contraindications.


Finally, and possibly most importantly, check the health of your gut microbiota. Your gastrointestinal system plays an integral part in your body’s immune function. Studies have shown that having a healthy and diverse population of microbiota indicates less likelihood of presenting with hay fever.

As a Kinesiologist I can help to deduce what you need to do to balance your own gut health, test which supplements would be most beneficial for you and whether there are other factors at play. Contact me directly to book a session in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire or Ledbury, Herefordshire.

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