New Years Intentions

New Years Intentions

New Years Intentions

We all have our own little rituals at this time of year, whether it's looking back on the year gone by or looking forward to the year to come. This year I have taken out my journal and responded to the following questions:

What are my regrets?

By acknowledging the things I could have done differently, the things where I feel like I missed the mark or could have chosen a different path, I can see more clearly what is important to me for the year ahead. For example, noticing that I wished I had spent more time with a particular friend or family member would indicate that I really need to make time for that this coming year. 

What are my achievements? 

By looking back over the past year and recognising what I have accomplished gives me the confidence and strength to keep going. To see what I have created and contributed to; to celebrate me and give myself a well-deserved pat on the back! 

What will be my achievements this time next year? 

Here I write as though it is already next year and I consider what has been a success, what went well, what I am proud to have created and been a part of. As though it has already happened. 

Having spent time with all of these questions and poured out thoughts onto paper like seeds into the soil, my intentions for the following year will grow like bright new sprouting plants... Who knows what will actually grow, but I have a good feeling about this year.... How about you?

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