Combat Menopause with Natural Solutions

Combat Menopause with Natural Solutions

Combat Menopause with Natural Solutions

This is an offering of suggestions of natural ways to combat hormonal changes, specifically for women who are pre, post or perimenopausal. And may also be useful to women who

  • struggle with PMS
  • have bad, painful or heavy menstruation
  • are dealing with postpartum depression
  • are experiencing infertility issues

Exercise is highly beneficial to reduce a decrease in bone density and to keep the rhythms in the body flowing healthily: the breath, the blood, the lymphatic fluid, the cerebrospinal fluid and energy pathways all benefit from a moderate level of exercise. I would recommend Yoga because that's my "thing" but do whatever makes you happy, encourages you to bear weight on your arms and builds strength as well as raises your pulse. Yoga has the benefit of increasing mobility, strength, muscle tone, coordination, respiration and is also calming for the mind. 

Consuming appropriate nutritional supplements and foods can make a huge difference to symptoms of menopause, as can using Essential Oils that can be implemented in daily life through diffusing, applying to the skin, bathing and even taking internally. As a Systematic Kinesiologist, I recommend to my clients the supplementation of specific vitamins, minerals and essential oils to help prevent against osteoporosis and the effects of hormonal changes, according to their own personal health status. Finding things that are calming and supporting the nervous system can dramatically affect symptoms including insomnia, hot flushes, cramps, mood swings and low mood. 

Supplements and foods that are calming include:

  • chamomile (tea or essential oil)
  • vitamin C (citrus, leafy greens: antioxidant to boost the immune system)  
  • vitamin B (various B vitamins combat low mood: try asparagus, whole grains and soy beans)
  • cacao (raw and unsweetened is a rich source of magnesium: calming)
  • turmeric (anti-inflammatory) 
  • omega oils (walnuts, flax oil)

Essential Oils that can be beneficial for Menopause include:

Clary Sage
calming, soothing, nerve tonic; antispasmodic; beneficial for intestinal and menstrual cramps; helps to balance hormones associated with PMS, menopause and postpartum depression; used to combat high cholesterol.

Roman Chamomile
calming, relaxing, anti-inflammatory; antispasmodic; settles nervous shock; combats insomnia; regenerates dry skin conditions; soothing for bee and hornet stings; calms hyperactivity. 

refreshing, relaxing, rejuvenating; anti-convulsant; anti-inflammatory; helps imbalanced hormones; beneficial for skin, hair and nails; used to combat bone problems such as osteoporosis and calcification.

refreshing, uplifting, centering; anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic; gives pain relief, aids digestion; combats nausea and motion sickness; can assist to regulate blood pressure. 

Blended Oils:

Clary Calm
Oils in this blend: Clary Sage (soothing), Lavender (calming), Bergamot (stress-releasing), Roman Chamomile (relaxing), Cedarwood (balancing), Ylang Ylang (joyful), Geranium (rejuvenating), Fennel (antitoxic), Carrot Seed (regulatory), Palmarosa (uplifting), Vitex (harmonising) 
Combats hormone imbalances, pre and perimenopause, PMS, hot flushes.

Oils in this blend: Spruce (oxygenating), Ho Wood (peaceful), Blue Tansy (cleansing), Frankincense (awakening), Blue Chamomile (relaxing)
Combats anxiety, back pain, brain integration, confusion, hot flushes, hyperactivity.


If you would like to purchase any of the oils listed I would only recommend doTERRA Essential Oils as they are optimal quality and are harvested and processed in ways that make them safe to be used to fullest of their healing potential. You can shop for the oils directly by clicking here. Or contact me for more information about using doTERRA Essential Oils.  


As a Systematic Kinesiologist, I am able to test to see which of the relevant supplements, foods or oils would be most relevant for you and your specific conditions. Click here to see more information about how to book an appointment with me.  

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