Filtering by: YOGA

Find Your Upside-down
2:30 PM14:30

Find Your Upside-down

Upside down poses in Yoga classes can seem a little daunting. It takes time and dedication to work through the intricacies of what the body needs to do to get everything in place in order to be in inverted positions in a safe and beneficial way. 

This workshop is designed to break down the elements of being upside down so that you can tackle them safely and with confidence.

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Rocket Yoga Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Rocket Yoga Workshop

If you want to get there faster, then put a Rocket Yoga practice on your mat!

Rocket Yoga is an amalgamation of traditional Ashtanga practices, from the more basic postures to the more intricate and intense postures, interweaving little floats, upside-downs and hand balances.

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Find Your Upside-down
1:00 PM13:00

Find Your Upside-down

Practicing Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses: in this workshop we will begin with Pranayama (breathing exercises) and Meditation to start to bring the focus inwards. We will then use blindfolds for the Asana (physical postures) practice. Suitable for all ability levels.

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Yoga Playshop: Shoulders - strengthen, support, soften 
2:30 PM14:30

Yoga Playshop: Shoulders - strengthen, support, soften 

  • Prestbury United Reform Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

How are your shoulders today? Any stiffness or tightness? 
This playshop/workshop will focus on mobility and alignment of shoulders and how they play a part in various yoga postures. Not only will you leave this workshop feeling freedom and spaciousness around the shoulders, you will have a better understanding of how to keep your alignment effective throughout your yoga practice and life.

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