Why you need a cheerleader

Why you need a cheerleader

We all need a cheerleader! Here’s why:

New beginnings have always been important opportunities to set goals, intentions and to choose your attitude.

Start as you mean to go on;
Every moment can be a fresh start;
Out with the old, in with the new;
You can't choose the cards you were dealt, but you can choose how to play them;
Every ending is actually a new beginning;
You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step;
Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin - beginning makes the conditions perfect!


Setting good intentions at the start of the year helps us to feel like we have choice about our path in life. We can choose to do good things, be a good person and feel good about ourselves.

One of the most important things when setting goals is to make sure that you will be held accountable. Whether you're planning a big physical challenge or a mental challenge, setting up a new business or implementing a new daily habit or deciding to be kinder, you need to tell someone. Tell them why you're setting your goal and share with them your wins and challenges. Your accountability partner can remind you to celebrate your successes, stop you from being distracted from your goals and can offer support when you hit obstacles. They could be a friend or family member or they could be an online platform, a like-minded group or even better, someone who can share your goal - that way you can be each other's cheerleader.

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